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Playable Races

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Playable Races Empty Playable Races

Post  Dreamslayer Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:38 pm

Playable Races
This has to do with your level of mutation and how it may effect your character, all changes are compounded, so level 1 changes effect a level 2, level 2 changes and level 1 changes effect a level 3 and so on.

Physical mutations a basic human, slightly stronger then other races, with a longer endurance, however they get sick easier and have a better chance of having impaired hearing or vision and decreased night sight.
mental changes none

Level 1 mutation
Physical mutations slight elongation of the canines, slight elongation and triangulation of the ear, may have a light coat of hair on the back of the ear, they have increased night vision and overall vision as well as slight increases in hearing and smell, slightly less prone to illness, less endurance then a normal human and slightly weaker in terms of strength.
mental changes slight preference to nighttime over day has developed but nothing noticeable

Level 2 mutation
Physical mutations greater elongation of the canines, ears have developed to be very catlike in shape and are larger with the development of fur, development of a catlike tail, body hair has turned into a sort of light fur, night vision is greatly increased overall sight and vision increases, as well as hearing and sense of smell increase. Hands have grown larger and have developed retractile claws in some cases. They have a slightly smaller frame then the average human and tend to be physically weaker with a lessened endurance as well.
mental changes tend to be loners, have a tendency to have mood swings varying from drastic to major.

Level 3 mutation
Physical mutations a light layer of fur appears to have developed in some individuals, as well as retractable claws in almost all level 3's they are smaller and weaker then humans as well, eyes have grown catlike, further increase in vision and hearing, development of whiskers, and a drastic decrease in necessary water consumption and appetite.
mental changes definite loners, tend to stay alone or with other 3's and 2's. quick to anger, inability to focus on many tasks, many develop unusual phobias, and are prone to drastic mood swings.

Number of posts : 29
Age : 31
Location : Over the Horizion
Registration date : 2008-08-09


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